How to play

Yu Gi Oh is a game a that needs time to learn, heres are short guid on the basic rules…

Set up your cards in a pile, (deck) most say you need 40 to play but I suggest it not nearly that much.You probably only need 25 cards if you play with low hp.(explain next) You start off with X (unknown) hp (health-points) mind that these are your basic health-points not those of any random beast. How many health points is undecided, in the link on Yu Gi Oh home it says to start with 8000, why usually I would start with 4000.

Separate your deck in to a normal deck and an extra deck, in the extra deck place any XYZ’s       (see XYZ’s) and in your normal deck place the rest.

You take turns, in each turn (except the first) you may draw once, attack once and depending on how you play the game summon once.


I battle you may place down cards in different ways; face down-face up, defence mode/position-attack mode/position. In defence mode use place down the card sideways on your field (where you battle) and in attack facing straight.

You also have a hand, it starts with 5 cards. When you draw from your normal deck it goes to your hand.

To normal summon something count its stars, (level) if it is levels 1-4 you need to put  (tribute) nothing in/to your graveyard, level 5 put one monster type card in the graveyard, 6-9 stars you need to tribute 2, why 10-12 stars (max) you need 3 cards.

There are also a type well types of card/card’s called trap or spell. Traps effect your opponent why spells you. Some spell cards can be really helpful:


For more gameplay tips go to the link on Yu Gi Oh Home.

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